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Proverbs 24:2 NIV

Proverbs 1:10-15 sets up this line of teaching from Solomon. He continually warns about connecting our story with evil hearted people. He also encourages connecting with those of good character. I’ve noticed a perverse attraction for some who admire the schemes of the wicked. Some of you know I’m a movie guy. Some of the most engaging are similar to the James Bond movies. There is always a bad guy who serves a bad organization that seems to have no care or compassion towards those who suffer because of their actions. On the one side Bond is willing to give his own life to rescue one innocent while the bad guys want to kill millions and at times even destroy the world. We do see degrees of those tendencies in elements of mankind. A person either cares for others and is willing to sacrifice in service to their needs. Or they seem completely oblivious to other people while pursuing their own agenda. Sadly a lot of us have seen this second type. Often a person is not entirely one or the other, they simply shade one way or the other. For us we are to push completely to the side of Jesus, always putting others first. Occasionally I have heard the phrases, “I have to put my interests first” or “I need some me time”. Phrases I’m sure never slipped past our Saviors lips. Today avoid the wicked and live as a follower of the selfless savior. #BeTheEdge


“Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Jesus