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Proverbs 24:34 NIV

Solomon’s letting us know the obvious, a slothful or lazy person will experience destruction and collapse in their life and it will happen swiftly. Like the thief who does not advertise their approach but suddenly appears and wreaks havoc. Like the soldier or armed thug who attacks and takes no prisoners. It is thought that if the sluggard realized what was coming they may change their ways. In reality they most often don’t. They choose to believe they will be the one person who somehow is bypassed by these consequences. They are not. An even worse scenario is they don’t care enough to change. They are fatalistic in their perspective thinking, “Sure, I know what’s coming will be brutal. Nothing I can do about it now so what will be will be.”. In work it’s the lazy who believe the boss won’t notice or if they do they won’t really see. Worse is the one who believes they have a right to be lazy and sloppy. Recently I saw a picture of a blank pad of paper with these words written under it, “Here is a comprehensive list of everything the world owes you and everything you’re entitled to.” In a very real sense this is also a description of the spiritual sluggard who loses everything because they are too lazy to live a disciplined, obedient life. Today be diligent in your calling. #BeTheEdge

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,” Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭23‬ ‭NIV‬