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Proverbs 25:27 NIV

We all understand the idea that overindulging in sweets can cause a serious stomach ache as well as being a bad habit. However, digging deep into the things of God or actually any knowledge would seem to honor God. To clarify that is not what Solomon is talking about. After some digging it has become clear that this is not what Solomon is referring to in this verse. In the same way that honey is tasty and fine to enjoy, study of God’s truths are also good to dig into and find delight in the insights. However, if we over indulge in honey we will get sick. There are those who find their value and pride in digging deeper than others into biblical or spiritual issues to the point that those things become their focus, rather than God Himself. I have watched people so enamored by theology, ie. predestination, end times, spiritual gifts, even church structure, etc., that they begin to elevate theologians and study above relationship with others and Jesus. They would certainly not say that but their actions, often abrasive and arrogant, are anything but Christlike. It can be easy when we are introduced to a deep truth for the first time to want to cling to such profound insight. It is not representative of our Father when it crosses over to worship of that truth. It becomes idolatry. Similarly, it can be easy to worship the Bible rather than the author. Scripture is clear that anything we put in front of God is sin. Today worship God alone. #BeTheEdge

“You shall have no other gods before me.” Exodus‬ ‭20‬:‭3‬ ‭NIV‬‬