Humility is a beautiful thing. Not self-deprecation or insecurity, but the humility of a godly person is comforting and inspiring. Solomon encourages us to live with humility especially in the presence of authority. That seems logical. To do any different seems a bit foolish. However, if we live in humility before kings, rulers, and other authorities, certainly we should live that way before God. Considering the omnipresence of our eternal King, we should always live humbly. When we recognize any gifts, talents, or benefits we possess come directly, and only, from the hand of God humility only seems logical. We are prone to forget that simple truth at times. When a ballerina, musician, or other artist displays their art, an awareness that (although they have surely spent many hours practicing) the innate ability to perform is a gift from their Creator, it brings a beautiful attitude of humility. When we find in ourselves an attitude of genuine humility, it speaks to our awareness of Whom we serve and reflects Him to those we encounter. Today, live boldly and humbly in the gifting God has written into your story. #BeTheEdge
“…for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” Philippians 2:13 NIV
Join Mark Bowling from Blacksheep Productions this morning for the 5-minute weekly BeTheEdge Challenge Call at 7:50am CST. Click