I recently read an article about excuses for not getting work done. Here’s a few: “I Threw Out the Presentation…” , “I Don’t Want to Step on Any Toes”, “I am Confused…What’s Our Goal Here?”, “I think We’re Rushing This…is This Even Realistic?” Or how about “My Schedule Blew Up….”. If you have ever been the boss you have probably heard some or these or other really creative excuses for lack of production from an employee of two. The old dog ate my homework kind of stuff. I’ve heard some bosses say if an employee put half the effort into their work that they did coming up with an excuse for their lack of diligence they would be really productive. Lazy people who talk foolishly about why they are that way are much worse then just unproductive. They are deceitful too. They also tend to not only be lazy about their job. They usually represent a truly slothful, apathetic, view about all of life. Sadly their spiritual life tends to be neglected and just a cheap version of what God truly offers us. Their home life, friendships and other areas often reflect this same indifference to the effort necessary to live and walk excellent. Life is a gift to be seized and lived fully and abundantly. It is not a burden to slide through. Today recognize the gift all of life is and live it boldly and fully for our God. #BeTheEdge
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17 NIV