Ok, so yesterday was the “big day.” Birth of Jesus, long expected, literally centuries, Messiah arrived. Now what? Well, I’m glad you asked. You see the big day was the start. A few chapters later, actually 33 years later, we find that we are commanded, not suggested, to take the Message of that day and the explosive journey that followed and share it.
Christmas is easy. Baby in a manger, Angels We Have Heard on High, gifts, food, celebration, and all that are not hard. The rest of the story- -die to yourself, take up your cross, and the rest of the “calling” are far less glamorous. However, that is the part of the message we have been entrusted to pass along. It’s a disciplined life of obedience to the grown- up infant from the stable. However, the good news–the really good news–is that as we correctly live out the Message, we end up living the life we were created for. We also find that the love, joy, and peace of the first Christmas exist in the midst of living the Message. Today, move forward with a fresh awareness that you have been dispatched with the greatest message ever shared. #BeTheEdge
“And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15 AMP