I had a great zoom call the other day to listen to an inspiring team of young men and women as they presented a new ministry they will be doing with business entrepreneurs in Mexico City. I think it is going to be powerful. As I listened to their strategy I was struck by how every aspect of business done well reflects the heart of God. While reading through the commentaries on this chapter, I was struck by the almost unanimity of thought about applying this verse to business. We are to pay diligent attention to our calling. God expects us to work. Billy Graham believed strongly that we would all have jobs in heaven. Work is integral to our being designed in the very nature of God. I don’t know about you, but the idea of sitting around talking and singing all day did not make heaven very appealing. Don’t misunderstand, I know it will be awesome but this element gets me even more excited. A job without all the junk that goes along with one here would be very exciting, I believe. If you don’t love your current job, I can see how you might disagree. However, we were built for work. This verse encourages us to be students of our work, really study it and excel at it. Today, recognize the gift it is to work and whatever the task, do it intentionally well. #BeTheEdge
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,” Colossians 3:23 NIV