I received this notice from a friend the other day. “Now it’s official !! Please Read !! URGENT FACEBOOK UPDATE: As of today, Facebook staff will be allowed to eat your children and pets. To turn this option off, go to settings, then privacy, then meals. Click the small X in the top right corner of your screen to prevent the employees of Facebook from eating your beloved children and pets. Copy this to your status to warn your friends!!!” Ok, this was actually a bit entertaining. What Solomon is referring to in this verse is anything but harmless fun. With all the messages swirling around the media and social media it can be challenging to know who is on our side these days. Thankfully God has given us a foolproof formula for knowing where to find truth. His truth, which is the only foundation for all truth. His word guided by His spirit is the main way the upright can definitely avoid the evil paths others want to trick us into following. These paths usually come in the form of investments. Drawing us to invest through deceptive or attractive bait. They look to trick us to invest our resources, our time, even our heart and soul in their schemes and evil plans by dressing them up to look irresistible. Today follow God’s Truth guided by Him alone. #BeTheEdge
“We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true.” 1 John 5:20a NIV