Yesterday, a friend shared the story of a young man who was battling some significant sin in his life. For three years he attempted to hide those sins and allowed them to eat at his soul. He reached a point where he could no longer take the pain and rot in his spirit. He began to ponder suicide all day long as the only way to escape the weight of the hidden sin. Through a set of circumstances my friend reached out to this young man and in the course of their conversation the young man confessed his struggles. As a result of their time the young man found freedom and new life in Jesus. He also learned that everyone is struggling with sin, some just like his. We all live with the temptation to hide our struggles. The realization that all of us battle sin and temptation can free us up to confess and repent to one another and God. That is where freedom lies. Today confess your sin and allow God’s compassion to truly set you free.
“Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed.” James 5:16a NASB