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Proverbs 28:26 NIV

This verse could summarize the driving theme of this book. We either trust in ourselves or we trust in God. A lot of what Solomon tells us throughout Proverbs makes it clear that it is not what we say we believe or even think we believe, it’s what we do. Our actions speak loudest about who we trust. A big theme in youth ministry is helping young people build self-esteem. Inherently that seems like a good idea. There is certainly an epidemic of poor self-worth in the eyes of way too many young people as well as adults these days. However, the idea of building one self-esteem on the individuals personal traits and talents can come up short. Unless a person recognizes their worth and value align singularly with the fact that they are unique, supernatural creations of an eternal, all knowing, all powerful God they will still be putting their trust in the wrong person. The brightest among us still come with what scripture calls a “deceptively, wicked heart”. Apart from God’s wisdom and guidance as well as recognition of his gifting in our lives, we will be trusting in a very dangerous source for our decisions. In The Edge ministry’s Biblical Worldview Resources the very first and foundational Hallmark begins with acknowledging who God is as the creator of all and who we are in relation to him. Today put all your trust, all the time, in your creator. #BeTheEdge

“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this:” Psalms‬ ‭37‬:‭5‬ ‭NIV‬‬