For a long time, I have done ministry in schools that are in very economically depressed areas through a ministry called “True North.” Last week the Principal of one of the schools sent a request. The mother of some teenage boys was struggling to keep them home during the pandemic stay-at-home order. They were sneaking off to the public basketball court. She asked if I knew of anyone with a basketball goal who may not be using it. I sent a request out through social media and within moments someone responded. I called a close friend about helping me pick it up and delivering it. He immediately said yes and mentioned that he had one he would like to give to a family, too. He joined me in delivering them in a driving rain. I was reminded of the giving hearts that God has standing at the ready to meet the needs of others. I have witnessed, as many of us have, the generosity of God’s people throughout this time. I believe the world is watching and learning about how our God lives and works through the transformed hearts of His people. I recently sat through one of The Edge Virtual Lunch meetings with a dozen or so business leaders and heard them exchange great ideas about how they were serving and blessing their staff, communities, and customers during this time. Today, look for ways to give of yourself to those in need and #BeTheEdge!
“Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’” Jesus (Mt. 25:45)