This verse is certainly directed toward parents and gives some clear, wise instruction on raising children. You notice I did not say anything about it being easy. It shows a very clear difference in outcomes of two opposite approaches. In the same way this verse is instructive for Gods children which is all of His followers regardless of age. We like to believe that we eventually hit an age where discipline or the lack thereof is no longer an issue. Maybe, but I can attest to the fact that it’s not in our 50’s or 60’s. If I’m around I’ll let you know about the 70’s and 80’s. But, observing some acquaintances I’m pretty sure this never stops being an issue. Discipline correctly administered is always accompanied with gaining insight or wisdom in a child. The same is true for adults. As adults we may still reflect to some degree on our parents but most certainly we reflect on the God we claim to represent. As we receive the discipline from God for our life rebellions it is incumbent to learn, gain wisdom, and move away from the behavior as God changes and focuses our heart on Him. Today live Christlike and if you slip, repent and return to your heavenly Fathers path. #BeTheEdge
“because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.” Hebrews 12:6 NIV