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Proverbs 29:18 NASB

This verse is most often preached from the King James translation, “Where there is no vision the people perish.” It’s interesting that most who preach that would never ordinarily use the King James Version of the Bible. The picture of people who have either lost their vision/mission or are scrambling to survive and tossing in a variety of directions is obvious today. Nothing tests a vision or mission more than an international crisis being instantly thrust upon a leader and their team. I’m seeing truly visionary leaders rise powerfully in this time. They are neither shaken nor panicked. They stand firmly on their faith in God and their corporate vision, which is solid and unwavering, and steer their ship through treacherous times. With foresight and courage they embrace the challenge and bring confidence and stability to their people. A danger faced by many who don’t have a firm grip on their Savior, who He is and where He has us in these times, is playing out as we watch them flounder and their teams waver and panic. Having your life and company built on God and His ownership of you and your company brings a calm in the storms. The largest Coke distributor in the country is flourishing right now. As you walk into their corporate headquarters in Charlotte, NC, the first thing you see is a wall with these words: “To Honor God in All We Do.” Today, focus your vision first on God, then on your corporate mission, and then go conquer these times. #BeTheEdge

“And who knows but that you have come to your (royal) position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14 (NIV)