My two-year-old grandson, Harris, was “working” in their yard yesterday singing “pine straw, pine straw, pine straw” over and over in different keys and fluctuating voice. It was truly entertaining. My granddaughters are always singing, as well. Children lead in this. As Knox tells us, “Innocence goes singing and rejoicing on its way.” Often, I will walk in a room and catch my wife singing. Solomon reminds us that what is in the heart and soul finds its way out. When the soul is pleasant and filled with joy, song is often the result. Occasionally, dancing may be involved. This all points to the carefree, relaxed nature of the rightly, godly lived life. As we follow God’s design for our journey, we are not guaranteed any fewer challenges than the ‘evil man.’ We are simply guaranteed the presence of God’s Spirit as our traveling companion. In a world fraught with new adversities around every corner it can be a struggle to discover peace and joy. If peace and joy reside in your soul, you take them into each new challenge with you already firmly in place. Today, walk in God’s way and sing as you go. Dancing is optional. #BeTheEdge
“…speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord;” Ephesians 5:19 NASB