There are seven months with 31 days. So, seven times a year I do a devotion from Proverbs 31. This chapter is best known for the “Proverbs 31 Woman“. Part of my challenge is to find relatable truth to share in a devotion that goes across gender. Today I am focusing squarely on that most magnificent of people, “The Proverbs 31 Woman“. You see I knew her. I watched her in action for over 25 years. I was married to her. During those decades we lived more than half of them -below the poverty line. We didn’t know it. I actually didn’t know it until recently. There was no reason to dwell on it because we always seemed to have food on the table and clothes on our kids. When a need arose it was taken care of. While raising children, even homeschooling them for a few years, she would build furniture for the house and to sell. She did numerous other great projects to bring income home and pay for things like vacations, birthdays, etc. The last decade of her life she turned to photography. To this day I encounter people who brag on the pictures of their children that she took all those years ago. She went home to be with Jesus not quite 20 years ago. I see her reflected in her daughter’s life as another “Proverbs 31 Woman“. This chapter is not just to tell us about somebody who lived many centuries ago, it is also to challenge and spur on all of us, not just women, to take the gifts, the abilities, the mind, the opportunities that God places before us and seize them with gusto as the gifts that they are. Today ladies and gentlemen let’s all be the “Proverbs 31 woman”. #BeTheEdge
“As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me.” Jesus