Want a great goal for your New Years resolutions? Solomon gives an excellent one here. Not only that but he tells us the result. Better than our clothes fitting, lower blood pressure, more financial freedom, all fine goals. He says that by pursuing and finding wisdom and gaining knowledge, which would be worth while themselves, we are blessed. Even secular dictionaries realize this means more than just having good things happen. The definition is, “made holy; consecrated.” How about a goal this year of being made holy? As we enter the new year pursuing wisdom and understanding the result will be to be made holy. The process of doing this involves first and foremost time in God’s word. That is the main source of His wisdom. It can also include getting around people pursuing the same goal. Becoming active in church is not difficult but, as long as it’s the right one, it can go a long way in finding God’s wisdom. Great teaching and preaching are exactly what is needed as well. I’m not a podcast listener but I know people who find some of the greatest teachers of Truth in the world there as well. There is no shortage of avenues to God’s wisdom. The main one remains His written word. As I’ve suggested before, reading a chapter a day from the New Testament on weekdays will take you through the entire book in a year. Today find a plan that works for you and be blessed. #BeTheEdge
“Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.”1 Timothy 4:13 NIV