In terms of Holy Week today is known as “Spy Wednesday”. Even though no one loves a good spy story more than me, a movie or book especially, the reason this day is known as “Spy Wednesdsy” is not a good one. Far from it. This was the day during Jesus’s walk to the cross that Judas decided to act as a spy for the religious leaders and secretly, at least he thought secretly, sell out Jesus. There are multiple theories among theologians about Judas motives for doing this. Suffuce it to say that he was certainly disillusioned with what he perceived was going to be the outcome of his partnering with Jesus in this new revolution. I certainly join in the condemnation of his act but I’ve found myself wondering what may have come of his life if he remained faithful. We can certainly elsewhere if that was even an option. I look at times that I’ve abandoned an opportunity to obediently follow a leading of God because it didn’t fulfill what I perceived as what would be best. Opportunities missed. People left abandoned. Peter Lord use to say one reason so many prayers go unanswered is that God has trouble finding a willing servant to answer them through. Whether that is doctrinaly true or not God has given us a great list of opportunities as we follow Him. Don’t abandon your call or His leading because He isn’t doing things your way. Today stay on His side, in His will, doing it His way and He will bless. #BeTheEdge
“For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the LORD, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 AMP