Every month when I read this chapter there are a number of powerful verses that speak to me. However, this verse always seems to speak directly to what the world is needling as much as any of them. Kindness never goes out of style and always seems to be in great demand, and truth is so evasive in so many areas of daily life and seems to be in short supply. Things right now are difficult for many people. Three weeks ago, I didn’t know anyone affected by the virus, so it was a concern, but seemed remote. Today, I know over a dozen people who have or are currently battling it, a significant number hospitalized, and a few who have passed away. This seems to be the new situation for many people. It makes life more stressful and frightening for many of us. Information about treatments or what is safe seems conflicting. Kindness towards others who disagree is also running low. Today, we need to allow God’s love, confidence, truth, and most especially, kindness be reflected in how we live. #BeTheEdge