I make it a practice and have for the years I have been writing a devotion each day, to only share a single verse. I believe that reading the chapter, having an overall sense of the book of Proverbs and understanding context as much as possible is valuable when reading and applying these scriptures to life. But each verse contains a ton and I’m writing but a thought. That being said, every so often when I land on the 3rd of a month, I find myself irresistibly drawn to these two verses. They belong together. How can we not find overwhelming confidence in God through these words? The challenge is not in God living up to this promise. The challenge is in us living out the trust it calls us to. As we trust in the Lord with some or even most of our heart, we are vulnerable. We may give Him complete trust related to our finances and job but not our relationships or maybe we trust Him with those things but not our future. The list is almost endless with possibilities of what we don’t want to trust or release into God’s hands. Jay Kessler once commented that for all of history God’s track record is perfect. Never, throughout all of scripture or life, has a follower of God placed their complete trust in Him only to be let down. Never. Not once. You see, it is not a blind faith that tells us God is trustworthy. Last year has given us cause to be a bit hesitant about what this year may hold. Today, recognize the trustworthy hands that hold your future and find peace, joy, and relaxation in Him. #BeTheEdge
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (Jesus)