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Proverbs 4:25 NIV

Want a plan for getting into and through this new year? Here it is. In our entertainment filled world, at a time when physical, mental and social temptations and challenges are plentiful, we need a plan, a strategy to navigate through it all. Solomon as well as the writer of Hebrews and Jesus Himsekf have given us a clear plan to do just that. Focus. For one as ADD as I am focus is at times a distant challenge, a dirty word or a deep longing that seems always just out of reach. What is not out of reach is the reality of the constant presence and guidance of God’s Holy Spirit. We all have challenges to keeping the main thing the main thing. However, walking through every moment with the awareness that God is present and guiding us very doable. Even for me. Being regularly in His word, accountability and prayer keep my mind focused on the moment at hand with a great sense of divine purpose. We are told by Paul to walk into each moment confident that God has works and appointments waiting for us to walk into. With that awareness how could I possibly not be focused on the next step in my journey. Sin or simple distraction from God’s call on our lives is always off to the side vying for our eyes to wander. If we were to believe it is ok at times to wander into areas apart from a clear focus on God’s purpose we would be denying His truth. Today live with your eyes on God’s path, live either your eyes on Him. #BeTHeEdge

“fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬ ‭NIV‬