Experience. It can be challenging to do something you have not personally experienced. That is what Solomon is referring to here. His father, David, diligently worked to be sure he passed along lots of great advice and counsel to his son. Mostly David introduced Solomon to his God. He made sure his son knew His laws and commandments, the how to live rightly stuff. He also passed along a reverence and awe for the person of God. He gave him an understanding of worship and God’s prophets. In other words, in the same way David raised him he is telling us to influence others. We need to ask ourselves what are we passing along, certainly to our children, but also to our teams and others in our social world. Does our life preach, that’s right not our lips necessarily but our life, about the true God of the scriptures. If our life is not an honest reflection of the God we serve words are essentially unimportant. An example is church. Do we live as though the gathering together of God’s family is important? Or do we talk about what is wrong with that flawed, imperfect group? Do we operate in love toward our fellow broken travelers as we gather to dig a little deeper for truth and healing. Today consider the message your life preaches and adjust where necessary. #BeTheEdge
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,” Hebrews 10:24 NIV