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Proverbs 4:5 NIV

In case you missed it Solomon loves to talk about Wisdom and understanding. This verse reminds us of the theme that runs throughout the book. Wisdom, get it, keep it, hang onto it, don’t lose it, remember it and on and on. Here is a question: what are you doing today to obey that challenge from Solomon, actually from God Himself? There are many places to go to dig for nuggets of wisdom. Are you pursuing any of them today? If you are successful at business and life you are certainly very busy, especially in these uncertain times. You may not feel you have much time left over for digging deep into spiritual things. However, that “success” is not sustainable without underpinning it with God and His wisdom. The author uses a teaching technique in this verse of not only telling us what we need to do. He sharpens that message by clarifying the boundaries of what is to be avoided as well. A huge part of wisdom is knowing what to avoid as much as what to pursue. An old saying tells us, “If we spend our time doing the do’s of scripture we won’t have time to do the don’t’s”. Cute saying, often true, but not always. There are permissible things that are not wise. Today seek God’s wisdom and walk only in it. #BeTheEdge


“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise.” Ephesians‬ ‭5:15‬ ‭NIV‬‬