“Quit trying to tell me what to do.” I’m going to guess you’ve never said that but I bet you’ve thought it. It’s just a part of our fallen nature to resist being told what we should or should not do. We may be getting the best counsel ever, but something in us is just rubbed wrong when it happens. We just don’t want to feel like we are being told what to do. We also don’t want to be told how to live. This is where our battle with our Creator is most acutely felt. God wants to conform us into the image of a His Son. Who looks at the life and character of Jesus and genuinely believes they couldn’t afford to be more like Him? No honest person. Our pride or ego, sometimes selfishness, or even just plain laziness will cause us to resent or turn from God’s instruction that we know will make us who we were created to be. Today, when God’s truth, spoken by His Holy Spirit speaks, listen and respond. It is spoken purely out of love.