Practice what you preach. Walk the talk. Preach the Gospel, when necessary use words. The first two can be attributed to every preacher, youth leader and coach you ever had. The last is considered an Augustine quote. The point here is the same one Solomon is making in this chapter and multiple times throughout Proverbs. Let whatever you say or do match God’s truth. Act wisely and speak wisely. With a little study and teaching it can be relatively easy to speak Gods view on most subjects. Too often we see people doing that without backing it up in the way they live their life. It is more difficult and even considered an act of rebellion to speak Gods truth in certain settings these days. Talk about God’s view on abortiin, gender issues or even if you trust police officers and you could face a bit of backlash. However, living your faith while never speaking a word for the Lord could also miss the fullness of God’s design. Peter tells us that silence isn’t always the answer. The point Solomon wants us to get is that we are to live a life where our words and actions point to the truth that governs our journey and that we always do this graciously. Today let both your words and actions reflect your savior to a hurting world that needs both. #BeTheEdge
“…Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have…,” 1 Peter 3:15 NIV