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Proverbs 6:9 NIV

I never cared much about the idea of a “bucket list”. You know the list of things a person would like to experience or accomplish before their life is over. As I’ve aged I kind of get it. There are some places I’d love the chance to visit and a few activities I’d like to experience while I have some time left. That being said, it’s not a long list and not really necessary to accomplish for me to feel like I’ve lived a good and full life. Just living offers exciting moments everywhere we look if we choose to open our eyes and see them and open our minds and hearts and experience them. Yep, it’s a choice and the writer of this verse is truly befuddled by those who would lazily miss out on what God has built into His creation for all of us. You have to get up early to see a sunrise or hear the morning come alive with the sounds of nature. To truly experience, the powerful essence of the creative nature of God you may drive to a lake or even the coast and luxuriate in the rising or setting sun. I could give a long list of activities, mostly free or inexpensive, to experience things worth getting up and to get living for. The giggle of a 5 year old as you tickle them. The frolicking of a puppy and on and on. Today get up early, stay up a little late and experience life. #BeTheEdge


“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Jesus