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Proverbs 8:1 NIV

Ok, yeah, I admit I kind of like the way this guy thinks. I recently read an article from the blog, ‘Reformedish’ titled “4 SOURCES OF WISDOM (OR, HOW TO STOP BEING A MORON).” The title definitely caught my attention.  Good stuff you may want to read, but besides the captivating title, I really appreciated this comment: “wisdom–the practical knowledge of living in God’s world. Go figure. Since I’m still somewhat of a youngster myself, the Proverbs have been a blessing to me. In many ways it’s a biblical short-cut on the road to not being a moron.” Want to know one of the main reasons I have read through the book of Proverbs a chapter a day for the better part of a decade? That sentence bumps right into it. I’m a practical guy and it’s a practical book. Don’t get me wrong, I like philosophizing as much as anyone. I love conversations in the “Ivory Tower.” But, ultimately, I want real advice (read wisdom) about real life that I can adopt and live out. That’s Solomon in Proverbs. Ultimately, Jesus came to embody that wisdom and truth. He actually called Himself ‘The Truth.” Today, dwell a moment or more in God’s wisdom, then go live it out to victory. #BeTheEdgd


“It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.” 1 Corinthians 1:30 NIV


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