I work hard to avoid doctrinal battles. There are very few that I think are worth splitting fellowship over. Jesus very directly avoided them when they were not useful. I will come right out and tell you I’m not a very good Calvinist. That being said, I admit that the older I get the more of a sovereigntist I become. I find great comfort and confidence in knowing that God has established me since before I was born. That He knew about me and put me together in my mother’s womb. I get a powerful sense of purpose when I consider the truth that God has a plan and design for my story. I look with excited anticipation at the realization that He has already prepared the good activities of today for me to walk into. Whatever you believe about God’s destiny for your life, you can rest in the full awareness that He has a plan for you. His Word guarantees these things. Today, walk boldly into your destiny with confidence that He is waiting for you when you arrive.
“…created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10b NASB