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Proverbs 9:10 NIV

This is it. When Jesus used the phrase “Verily, verily…” or “Let him who has ears to hear…” in His teaching what He was saying was “Dont miss this”. He began His teachings with the words, “Amen, amen”. It is the word we use to close our prayers. When He began with it He wanted the listener(reader) to focus on what was next. Solomon at the end of chapter 1 begins talking about wisdom and wraps that up here in chapter 9. Throughout the rest of the book of Proverbs we have basically individual chapters with individual thoughts. Wisdom dominates almost the first third of the book. It is as if Solomon is saying “dont miss this”.  Wisdom in Proverbs is seen as the pre-incarnate Christ. Solomon did not devote so much time to wisdom because he needed more material to hit 31 chapters. With over 5000 proverbs to choose from we can be certain that what God sovereignly placed in the book is their for a supernatural reason. Wisdom is a true gift from God. By it wise rulers rule, wise parents parent, wise spouses serve and wise bosses lead. It is the key to fruitful, faithful, godly living. Regardless of what else we get from Proverbs, and there is plenty of life-transforming truth to get, we need to get wisdom. Today look into His word and “dont miss this”. #BeTheEdge


“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James, Jesus’s little brother