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Proverbs 9:12 NIV

“I don’t think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.” (Abraham Lincoln) Solomon and Lincoln seemed to have a similar view on the subject of Wisdom. It is a testament to a person to see them throughout their life’s journey and watch them grow in wisdom. One of the greatest gifts we were given upon Jesus’ arrival on planet earth was the Holy Spirit. Before Jesus birth, the Holy Spirit had visited only a few individuals. After Jesus’ ascension, the Holy Spirit arrived and now dwells within His followers; access to God’s wisdom took up residence in the soul of a believer. What an incredible advantage. Jesus brought heaven to earth. The presence of the Holy Spirit brought eternity and God, the Source of all wisdom, directly into every moment of our journey. Whereas Jesus was limited to one place at a time, after He was resurrected and the Spirit came, God’s presence was everywhere His children are. (As a side note, one of the reasons I lean ‘pre-tribulation’ is that we are told God’s Spirit is removed from the face of the Earth at the beginning of the seven years of tribulation. That’s a whole different conversation.) Jesus birth, life, death, and resurrection brought the source of all truth and wisdom directly into the heart of all Believers. Today, during the season of gift giving and receiving, celebrate the magnitude of the gift of God’s wisdom.  #BeTheEdge


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