The minute we decide we are above committing a certain sin, watch out. I once sat with George and listened to him recount how he battled the bottle for years. He was so proud of the fact that he had completely conquered it. I mean it had been years since he last had a drink and there was no temptation anymore whatsoever. Two weeks later Larry was telling me at lunch that George was drinking again. You saw this coming when I began telling the story. What you didn’t see coming was your fall in an area where you feel invulnerable. The truth is that we are all susceptible where we feel most invincible. Satan is smart enough to watch and wait for the subtle pride of self-sufficiency. “I got this” is the prelude to a fall. Paul said, “In my weakness He is strong.” In my strength I’m vulnerable. Today stay humble and dependent on God. That is how we defeat the tempter – we let God handle Him for us.