“Whoever sows injustice reaps calamity, and the rod they wield in fury will be broken.”
Take a minute and ponder what it means to “sow injustice”. I don’t know what you pictured but whatever you saw this is truly an ugly concept. To sow injustice is clearly evil. It may even appear harmless at first glance. It could appear as a simple social change that actually marginalizes another person or group. The poor, a different race, those physically challenged, etc, can all fit this idea. I raised my kin’s knowing that fair is not really important. Life’s not fair. What is important is right. I always told them to just do the next right thing. The result of always doing the next right thing was justice. You will never treat another unjustly if you are doing the next right thing. You will never be guilty if you do the next right thing. You can live boldly and breath freely if you always do the next right thing. I had lunch with a business owner the other day who talked about doing the next right thing even when overlooking a mistake in his companies favor would be easy and he would never be caught. Over time he said doing the right thing always paid off. Eventually it became not about the having things work out for his company or even to please God. It just became a part of who he is and how he thinks. Today do the next right thing and watch God move. #BeTheEdge
“If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right.” James 2:8 NIV