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Proverbs 11:1 NIV


What do you detest? I mean what really disgusts and angers you? Deceiving, stealing and things of that nature cause a deep, intense dislike in God. There are a lot of things in this world to dislike and most of them have to do with mistreatment of people. In this verse Solomon let’s us know that God has a complete dislike for those who would deceptively take advantage of another. The multiple times that Solomon uses this example in Proverbs indicates this was becoming a common problem in the growing commerce of his time. We have to admit that in a variety of ways it is even more common in our time. Everything from title pawns and payday loans to gimmicks used in a variety of business practices we can imagine God feeling the same level of disgust. A friend recently had their car declared “totaled” by their insurance company. It has her shopping for a new vehicle. Both dealing with their insurance company and car dealerships has shown how easily a business at times can slip into questionable practices. Our local folks are good people. The point is that we each need to be conscientious and aware of the temptation to allow certain practices to ease into our life and become acceptable. Today remember you don’t only work for your boss, you work for your King. #BeTheEdge


“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,” Colossians 3:23 NIV