In one sense it’s easy to see why someone in either of these circumstances might choose to project the opposite image of their reality. However both are pretty quickly found out. Even if they are not, living a life out of alignment is never healthy. Being rich or well off affords a person the ability to bless those in their life and others in need. Those faking a life of means will surely run into financial ruin at some point that hurts their family and others. Learning to live within our means is a biblical discipline God calls all of us to. Just ask Ron Blue or Dave Ramsey. Those of little means need to learn how to manage their life in such a way that the watching world recognizes a sense of responsibility that speaks to their understanding of God’s principles at work in their story. Those of means should likewise reflect all the biblical wisdom of managing their resources in a way that reflects their acknowledgment that we are all simply stewards of God’s resources here on earth. We will all later give an account of how we reflected Him through that stewardship. Today, consider what God has entrusted you with, acknowledge it’s all His, live in alignment with who you are and let God’s light shine through you in that area of your story. #BeTheEdge
“Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God.” Ecclesiastes 5:19 NIV