With 6 kids (3 who are married), 8 grandkids, and various others whom we consider part of the family, there seems to always be a good reason for our family to gather. Holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries are constant. Our family loves to be together, which is not always the case in other families. I’m entertained by the perspective of comedienne Abby Sher, ‘God, grant me the ability to change the things I cannot accept,” – definitely a new twist on the serenity prayer. It’s also a pretty dangerous way to go into a setting that promises to offer plenty of opportunities to argue. A better attitude to have is that God sends us into the world (and family gatherings) as instruments of peace. We are to represent the love, patience and forgiveness of Jesus. It may also help to realize that Jesus refused to get sucked into religious or political arguments (consider the woman at the well, or His discussion about taxes). Look for opportunities to listen, affirm and be a blessing. Today, God wants you to represent Him not your church, political party, or even yourself.