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Proverbs 6:10 NIV


God certainly built us to need rest. He even modeled it for us in spending the 7th day of creation admiring all He had made and resting. Maybe the rest wasn’t from His work of creation but storing up for what we humans were about to put Him through. I know, bad joke. At any rate what Solomon is talking about here has nothing to do with the rest we need for a healthy life but a sluggard who seems to always be “resting” when their is work to do. The older I get the more I enjoy a good nap after a busy day of work. Being diligent at work is everyone’s responsibility. Otherwise we become a burden to others whether family and friends or the government. There is very little looked down on in a healthy society more than laziness. Obviously criminal behavior is higher on the list but in many respects laziness and lack of a contribution to society is a close second. God created us to work. We all have a very unique calling from Him. When we don’t do it to the best of our ability we cheapen our reflection of the God we serve and that is inexcusable. Billy Graham believes work is such an integral part of us that we will have jobs in heaven. If that doesn’t appeal to you you are probably either in the wrong job or you have an incorrect understanding of God’s call on your life. Today work diligently to please God and reflect Him. #BeTheEdge


“So I saw that there is nothing better for a person than to enjoy their work because that is their lot.” Ecclesiastes 3:22a NIV