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Proverbs 8:8 NIV

Don’t you wish you could say that. I mean even on my best day I’m not sure I can make that claim. Traffic is just one example of a challenge to this for me. The word ‘All’ is the kicker. Most or almost all actually works for me many days. The thing about God is that for all of eternity He never had a slip. His words, thoughts and actions have always been flawless. When He roamed the planet for 33 years, flawless, never a slip of the tongue. If I’m silent I can be pretty close to that but in my heart not always so much. His heart has always been just and pure. It is great to look to others for wisdom and insight. Especially their thoughts on a daily Proverb (insert a grin here). In all seriousness Gods words are the best place to see true wisdom and gain insight into His heart. That is why He took such careful effort to preserve it for us. It is vital to know that God directed the delivery of His written word and supernaturally preserved its flawless Truth throughout thousands of years. Today don’t just read Gods word as a lesson, ponder it as the thoughts and truths from the very mind of the ruler of eternity. #BeTheEdge


“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John‬ ‭1:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬