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Provrrbs 31:2 AMP

Before our children were born my wife and I prayed for them. We didn’t even know if they were male of female but, we had confidence that they would marry well, treat others with kindness and spend eternity with us in heaven one day. We actually stood before our church at the time and made a vow to raise them the best we knew how to know Jesus, granted that was very limited at the time. Almost all parents want the very best for their kids. Here we find that King Lemuel’s mother starts in reverse order making a vow over him before he is born, possibly even before he is conceived. Then she reflects on him in her womb and finally she speaks of her living son, the king. When Jennifer was pregnant with each of our three children our prayers intensified as we recognized the world of the 80’s they were being brought into. The battles raged over Reagan’s pornography commission, over the music of the time and numerous other things that we felt threatened the social and spiritual wellbeing of our children. Some could argue that the world my grandchildren are growing up in is even more frightening. Today, whether you are a parent, prospective parent, aunt, or uncle, there is a child that needs you committed to pray for them often. #BeTheEdge


“For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my request which I asked of Him.” 1 Samuel‬ ‭1:27‬ ‭AMP‬‬