“Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at my doorposts.” Proverbs 8:34 NASB
In my role as President of The Edge, working with business leaders to make sure they are faith leaders in this challenging time, I have been reading a lot about how to deal with a crisis. I have found two popular strategies for leaders in large organizations that can also be practiced in small organizations. One encourages a three-step approach built around levels of response and a flow chart strategy. The other proposes “developing a ‘crisis-ready culture’ and leaders who are steady enough to make deliberate, wise decisions even as the world speeds up—which is essentially what happens during a crisis.” This is what aligns with our verse today. Walking daily with Jesus prepares us to operate the same way when a crisis arrives. Too often, the first thing that suffers when a storm blows into our life is our time with our Father. Next to suffer might be our family and rest. Some things may need to temporarily give a little in a crisis. However, time with Jesus should not shorten – as a matter of fact it quite possibly needs to expand during a crisis (read global pandemic). You need to adopt a crisis ready culture based securely on your faith story and not let anything force it aside. Today, recognize your only source of strength is Jesus, and lead from that place first. #BeTheEdge
“He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid a foundation on the rock; and when a flood occurred, the torrent burst against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built.” Jesus (Luke 6:48)