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Proverbs 10:16 NIV

By April 10, 2023No Comments

“The wages of the righteous is life, but the earnings of the wicked are sin and death.” ‬‬

Life and death. Clear choice and clear understanding of what each requires. So why is it so hard? Sin promises certain rewards, short term pleasure, easy money. Very temporal and temporary things that hook us in but leave us dead and empty inside. Early in my ministry I remember talking with a good friend about looking for a side hustle to supplement my rather challenged income. After a brief discussion he said, “I know how you can make lots of money fast.” I was intrigued. He said all you have to do is sell porn and liquor. He was right of course. Sin sells. But it will never satisfy. As a matter of fact it will always, always do the exact opposite. It will leave you sad, empty and dead. Wonder why God hates sin? It’s the same reason you hate to see your children involved in things that will hurt them. He hates what it does to His children. Today center your life on the things of God. #BeTheEdge

“Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”” Jesus

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