“When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices, and when the wicked perish, there is joyful shouting.” Proverbs 11:10 NASB
One of my very closest friends for decades was hurt in a serious mishap yesterday. When his wife called to inform me that he was in an ambulance headed to the emergency room tears filled my eyes. It was so instantaneous that it caught me off guard. I truly love this brother. His wife was following to the hospital and asked me to get people praying. You might have received one of the texts to pray. He’s also my neighbor, so I immediately went to his house to look around and see if there was anything I could do. He has and will continue to serve this community in quiet, yet powerful ways. Through the day I’d go by and there were almost always some good men hanging out there looking for something to do to help. As word came that he would be laid up for a bit, but he would recover and be ok, there were grateful faces, sighs, calls, texts, and tweets. There was an undercurrent of rejoicing in the community. Very few know his position on requiring masks in restaurants or tearing down statues, however he is widely respected, admired, and loved. God’s people need to be above the fray by serving below the scuffles. Today, live right and bring rejoicing. #BeTheEdge
“The eyes of the LORD are toward the righteous and His ears are open to their cry.” Psalms 34:15 NASB