“my son, do not go along with them, do not set foot on their paths;”
The teacher in this passage loves the student. Addressing him as “my son” and instructing him passionately to avoid what will destroy his life. He wants the follower to totally avoid the person of evil intent and behavior whether in public or in private. He knows that their influence will ruin his life. He not only tells us to avoid these people. He also clearly wants us to avoid going in the same direction that evil people travel. There is a picture to the average Hebrew of the a well worn path and a slightly trampled path not often used. In other words it doesn’t matter how many or few walk in the direction of sin we are to completely avoid it. I was reminded today that Satan doesn’t need wide open doors of invitation to damage our lives. He will take any small crack he can slither through. If we follow in the way of sinful people it is an obvious invitation to him. However, just glancing with a slightly prolonged interest is all the invitation he needs to pounce and go to work on taking us down. To twist the astronauts famous words he loves when society, mankind, take glaring big steps toward sin but he will capitalize on one small step by a man. Today do as the teacher in this verse challenges and stay completely away from those flirting with the evil one. #BeTheEdge
“Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”” 1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV