“In the way of righteousness there is life; along that path is immortality.”
The word for ‘lif’me’ in this verse refers to eternal life—the life given by our Heavenly Father to His children. The righteousness in this verse has nothing to do with our behavior, thank God for that! It is all about the righteousness we receive through the finished work of Jesus on the cross. I shout a loud hallelujah to that. Yesterday, my oldest child was taken from us on his way home from work. He was a traveling ER nurse, working to save lives. Yesterday, a traffic accident launched him into eternal life as he transitioned from his temporal body—which was never meant to last but a limited time on this planet—into an eternal one. If we could see him now, we would be tempt to bow down and worship. He is home, with his mom and so many others who preceded him on this part of the journey. These are the ones who are part of the great crowd we read about in Hebrews who are cheering us on. Today, he is part of that group, cheering for his wife, his children, his siblings, and so many others who loved him dearly—along with his old father, that we will walk faithfully and finish our race well. The righteousness of Jesus is all that can be seen now—life and immortality, the gifts and promises of our King. This is Kevin’s reality today, and it can be yours too. Knowing those who proceed us are waiting encourages us to say as the writer of Revelation did, “Come quickly, Lord Jesus.” Today, pray for his family, live knowing you are righteous and immortal, and hug your loved ones. #BeTheEdge
“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish.” Jesus