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Proverbs 13:10 NIV

By October 13, 2022No Comments

“Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice”

While I was turning to todays verse in Proverbs I was thinking about someone I don’t like. Yep, confession time. I was literally turning to this verse and the thought of what I would do if I crossed paths with them today was playing out in my mind. In the midst of that unkind moment I looked down and read, “Where there is strife, there is pride.” Darn it. I did not want that rebuke. The instant I saw it I knew it was addressing where my head was at that very moment. I actually had to laugh out loud and I said, to an empty room, “busted”. Pride, that was at the very core of the moment. My pride had been wounded by that person and I was developing a plan to cause some strife. As I reflected on what had just happened in my little head journey I read the next part about wisely taking advice and I remembered some wise advice I was recently given. Be careful what you think about when you are alone and what you say when you are around others. Pretty relevant as I was thinking about this person and what cutting remark I was going to make when I saw them. Ouch. I’m confessing too much I think. Realistically I suspect we all have these kinds of thoughts at times. Maybe not, I might be the only sinner who does. Regardless, it’s important to realize my motivation for these thoughts was wounded pride. Today watch your pride and listen to those who share words of Godly advice. #BeTheEdge

“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,” James‬ ‭1:19‬ ‭NIV‬

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