“The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.” Proverbs 14:18 NIV
This verse reflects the same truth that Solomon expresses later in chapter 23. Where we allow our mind to spend most of its time determines who we become. The ‘simple’ means those who do not discipline or control their thought life. Instead they lazily allow anything and everything to enter and occupy their mind. The result is they become confused and shaped by input that does not reflect the Kingdom of God. They become an ugly caricature of who they were created to be. To us folly almost seems like a relatively harmless word or condition. In reality this word reflects a condition of childish and destructive, worthless behavior. The old computer programmer acronym GIGO is true. A computer, even AI, can only work with what is put into it. GIGO refers to Garbage in, garbage out. Conversely if we put good in it will produce a life of good. Even better if we put God, His word, truth, beauty, into our thoughts then what comes out will be a reflection of Him. How beautiful is that picture? His knowledge will be as a crown of His glory on our life. Our journey and story shows who we serve and who we love. Isn’t that ultimately what you want? It is why we are here. Romans tells us that we are transformed, more than just changed, by the making new of our mind. It is a supernatural reality brought about by His Word (the Bible) mixed with The Holy Spirit. Today let your thoughts be captured and controlled by the living God. #BeTheEdge
“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”Colossians 3:2 NIV