“He who walks in his uprightness fears the LORD, but he who is devious in his ways despises Him.” Proverbs 14:2 NASB
A lot can be said about motives. To be clear, in order to understand and deal honestly with what we see or observe, it is vital to understand motives. I try to be gracious when ascertaining someone’s motives. I seek to give the benefit of the doubt no matter how suspect someone’s motives seem. I am acutely aware that only Jesus could look directly into a person’s heart. In fact, we don’t always see what is at work at the core of our own hearts at times. We need the patient surgical hands of the Savior to work on our motives. He is able to divine our intentions as deeply as they go. His Word in the hands of His spirit will gently, at times violently, remove the sin and blindness we cannot even see in our own hearts. Out of love, He and He alone can cut away and carve His own image within our soul until one day all that is left reflects the heart of our loving Father and Savior. Today, be open to His work and embrace the change. #BeTheEdge
“For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son…” Romans 8:29a NASB