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Proverbs 17:24 NIV

By December 17, 2023No Comments

“A discerning person keeps wisdom in view, but a fool’s eyes wander to the ends of the earth.”

Ask anyone who knows me and they will agree that I have looked guilty of this verse. It describes a person about whom The Pulpit Commentary offers this comment: “…has no one definite object in view; he pursues a hundred different things, as they happen to come in his way, but misses the most important quest of all and fritters away the powers which might have aided him to obtain wisdom.” Yep I’ve been guilty. Thankfully I have always had a clear guiding mission to yank me back on track and keep the power of the Holy Spirit active in my journey. The difference between these two people is that one keeps God’s wisdom and call before them. The other doesn’t and therefore is chasing after every hint of something that might meet the hunger of the hole inside them that was put there to be filled by God only. The world offers an unlimited number of options to bring joy and meaning to our lives. The reality is that each is a lie and leaves us emptier than we were to begin with. They all give something at first but quickly come up short and worthless. That is what the scientist Pascal meant when he described a God shaped vacuum in all of us. We may try to fill it with lots of things but what we discover is that only His Spirit fits. Wisdom is set right before our eyes. We must intentionally look over or around it to see what is out there in the world. In other words it takes effort to ignore or deny Gods presence in our journey. Today keep your eyes on Jesus and walk in Wisdom. #BeTheEdge

“fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” Hebrews‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬a NIV‬‬

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