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Proverbs 17:26 NIV

By February 17, 2024No Comments

“If imposing a fine on the innocent is not good, surely to flog honest officials is not right.”

There are certainly a lot of questions surrounding the application of certain laws in our country these days. Although there is a great temptation to do so I will not get political at all. Getting political tends to cheapen scripture and takes away from the overwriting truth it has to share. It forces certain people to choose to receive and obey certain passages based on their political positions rather than God‘s position, which never is subjected to anyone’s political ideology. Laws applied unfairly, for the innocent does happen and violates the scripture at its very core. There have been examples through the news of individual standing up for the innocent and being prosecuted for it. There have been examples of people stopping acts, such as shoplifting and losing their job over it. It can be very confusing and I admit very disappointing at times. The value of these verses, as well as all others, is in determining how that truth applies to our lives, rather than how can we judge another by what it says. So the truth for our life is to make sure we never persecute the innocent, falsely, accuse them, or even desire for them to be punished or suffer when we know it’s not deserved. It works in how we deal with those we may have authority over. Perhaps employees or even friends and neighbors. It also applies to the things we would do or say about those in authority over us. It can be easy to twist the truth or even make something up to get at a person we don’t like who is up from us in the corporate flow chart as well as government. Today treat the innocent as innocent and leave the rest to God and those responsible to deal with them.#BeTheEdge

“Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it.” James‬ ‭4‬:‭11‬a NIV‬‬

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