“To answer before listening— that is folly and shame.”
Sometimes the days verse from Proverbs just doesn’t need explanation. This is one of those. I read it and go, “of course.” But, as I pondered it a bit I realized how often I ignore such simple, clear and common sense wisdom. Then I realize it does all of us some good to reflect on the basics of God’s wisdom on occasions. You see I know that before encountering this verse this morning I was destined to operate contrary to it. I was sure to have occasion to pop off an answer or opinion without hearing the totality of the situation. I did that very thing at lunch the other day. Here is the truly sad reality of that occasion. I didn’t just do it once or twice. It seemed as though I took a challenge to see just how foolish I could sound by speaking multiple times only to hear the full situation and look like a real goofball. Quick to listen and slow to speak was the instruction from Jesus’ little brother James. It is easy to assume we know what someone needs to hear even though we don’t truly know the details of their circumstances. This is especially damaging in the spiritual counsel area. Shooting off spiritual advice without a full understanding of what God is up to in someone’s journey is the height of arrogance and stupidity and possibly a hinderance to God’s working in their life. There is something therapeutic, even a gift, in feeling heard. Today listen and be a blessing. #BeTheEdge
“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,”James 1:19 NIV