“One who is slack in his work is brother to one who destroys.”
I don’t know about you but I don’t particularly want to be known as either of these guys, slack at my work or a destroyer. The term brother in this verse literally means companion. This particular companion does not jus happen to destroy things, he actually takes pleasure in that destruction. Thankfully over the years my friend group has been developed with hard working men and women who are builders. I don’t mean just those in construction and engineering but who build companies and people where God has called them. Most of them understand a healthy work – life balance but they do not err in their efforts at work and building. The idea of being slack is not even conceivable to them. They also have very little patience for it in others in their companies. The slacker in this verse does have a job. They just don’t work heartily and diligently. That’s what makes them dangerous. I appreciate Dr. Grahams view that “labour is not only a duty and necessity, but a means of sanctification, a training for a higher life”. The consequences of slack work is destruction, maybe of the job, maybe of the project, but definitely of the slacker. The result of hard work is growth in many areas including the spiritual. Today work diligently. #BeTheEdge
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,” Colossians 3:23 NIV