“A person’s own folly leads to their ruin, yet their heart rages against the Lord.”
It can be a challenge to discern when something goes wrong or doesn’t work out if it is because of our foolish decisions. But most of the time we are clearly aware when our poor choices result in difficult circumstances in our journey. Thankfully, we have a God who has made it clear that His top priorities for us are reconciliation and redemption. He stands ready to deliver both of them in any life, no matter the situation someone finds themselves in. The wise allow Him to do that. The foolish—whom Solomon, in another place, calls stupid—look to blame God for the consequences of their stupidity. This foolish person is sometimes a follower of God who does not recognize the presence and work of God through hard things. I am often reminded of Dr. Steve Brown’s saying that Christianity is not a way out of the hard things of life. Live long enough, and you will become convinced of that. He went on to say that for every non-Christian who goes bankrupt, battles cancer, gets divorced, or has a child go wild, a Christian does as well. The difference, which desperately needs to be seen by the searching world, is how God and His people go through these hard things. Today, when things get hard, watch your Heavenly Father work. #BeTheEdge
“Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” Psalms 55:22 NIV